Cristina, RN, Lead Nurse for Dr. Brahme

Cristina, RN

"We truly put our patients first, providing consistent, splendid outcomes and excellent care throughout their surgery experience."

As Dr. Brahme's lead nurse, Cristina will be your right hand (wo)man before, during, and after surgery.

Cristina has been committed to providing nurturing, quality care to patients at LJC for nearly 10 years—and her daily focus is to treat the mind, body, and soul to keep each of our patients safe and comfortable.

My coworkers and my patients have made LJC a wonderful place to work these many years.


As Lead Nurse, Cristina supports Dr. Brahme and other teams as needed to help patients feel comfortable and well-cared for. With Dr. Brahme, she follows patients closely before, during, and after surgery to ensure safe, successful outcomes.

With a background in Trauma & Critical Care, Cristina is known for her kind, patient demeanor, along with her ability to help put patients at ease.

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