Marissa Cueto, Patient Coordinator


"I love building bonds with my patients, walking them through their aesthetic journeys, and seeing their beautiful outcomes! Cosmetic surgery is truly an art and our surgeons have it mastered."

Marissa meets with patients daily to discuss surgical procedure options, match them with the best plastic surgeon, schedule surgeries, and assist them with any questions, so they're prepared for an amazing experience.

Marissa joined our team in 2021, stepping into a position she is truly passionate about. She loves the cosmetic surgery specialty and helping her patients achieve their dreams.

“I’ve been in plastic surgery for about six years now and I honestly couldn’t imagine doing anything else! I love my job and the life-changing services I offer to my patients. Everyone has different reasons and goals, and I’m lucky to be the person to help them with their surgical journey.” 


During the summers, Marissa is most likely to be found hanging out at the beach with friends all day, soaking up some sun. During the winter, she is more of a homebody. She loves snuggling in bed with hot chocolate and binge-watching the Real Housewives franchise. Sundays are her favorite: ordering pizza and watching football with the family.  

Marissa would love to travel more. She has visited a few places recently but is just getting started. On her next trip, she hopes to visit Nashville and Hawaii.

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