Breast Implant Ultrasound Imaging

Dr. Brahme consults with a real patient about her breast implant options

We’re YOUR GO-TO SPOT for affordable, accurate breast implant screening using PS Imaging Hi-Res Ultrasound.

Did you know that a silicone breast implant rupture can go undiagnosed for years? This is called a silent rupture, and the older your breast implants are, the more likely it is to happen.

Imaging is the only way to ensure that your breast implants are intact.

The FDA recommends getting an MRI three years after silicone breast augmentation and every two years thereafter to screen for silent rupture. However, most patients do not follow through on this. We can understand why. MRIs are expensive, time-consuming, and can cause anxiety for some patients. In most cases, you need a doctor’s referral for the test, and you might wait weeks for an appointment.

However, without regularly recommended imaging tests, you could have an implant that needs replacing and not know it.

Get the peace of mind you deserve with PS Imaging Ultrasound

Ultrasound is a safe, high-quality alternative to MRI. Ultrasound has a long history of use in the medical field and an excellent safety profile and has been recently presented to the FDA as an alternative to MRI. Many doctors, our plastic surgeons included, prefer ultrasound for breast implant imaging, as it is more comfortable, convenient, and affordable for patients.

Unlike MRI, there is no risk to patients with metal devices—you don’t even have to remove your jewelry! Additionally, ultrasound is quiet, gentle, and allows you to move naturally.

An ultrasound screening of an implant within a breast

We offer ultrasound breast implant screening at LJC with our famously friendly team!

We are pleased to offer the PS Imaging HRUS (high-resolution ultrasound) at LJC, a specialized system designed specifically for plastic surgery needs.

Each screening takes just 20 minutes in the comfort and privacy of our office treatment room. It’s the easiest way to know with confidence that your silicone breast implants are still in great shape—and in the rare case we discover an issue, you’ll already be in the hands of some of San Diego’s most experienced breast plastic surgeons to discuss your options. Fees for this appointment are $450.

In addition to screening for silent rupture, we can check your silicone gel breast implants for other concerns, such as swelling or seroma (fluid buildup).

How to schedule your breast implant ultrasound at LJC

While we encourage patients to follow the FDA-approved screening schedule, you don’t have to wait if you have concerns now. Additionally, we recommend that every woman schedule a screening to establish a baseline, whether you have had your breast augmentation within the current year or it has been some time since your last visit.

We welcome any woman with silicone breast implants to come to us for their recommended screenings, whether you had your breast surgery with us or someone else. Call (858) 452-1981 or contact us if you have any questions!

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