Can We Talk About Feminine Rejuvenation?

skd254426sdcYes, we can, and we should. Feminine rejuvenation is a growing field of medicine, and women are no longer embarrassed to discuss the intimate, but very natural, consequences that can arise from childbirth, genetics, hormonal changes, or dramatic weight loss. Whether cosmetic or functional, vaginal issues can have a dramatic impact, creating emotional distress and physical pain. Fortunately these problems can be remedied through a variety of outpatient procedures.

Dr. Johan Brahme has had specialized training in feminine restoration procedures. He and his nurse, Cristina, bring a special sensitivity to women’s needs and concerns. They understand that a positive self-image is crucial to healthy intimacy, and they are comfortable discussing these very personal concerns with you.

The three procedures typically offered in vaginal aesthetic surgery include labiaplasty, vaginoplasty, and clitoral hood reduction. Some of these procedures can be included in a Mommy Makeover to help women who experience drastic body changes following childbirth. Still other women look for help to invigorate their sex lives or be more comfortable in form-fitting clothing such as a bathing suit or exercise clothing.

All procedures are done on an outpatient basis in the comfort and confidential atmosphere of our office. Recovery is generally brief from these surgeries. Here is a closer look at each procedure:

  • Labiaplasty reduces the size of the vaginal lips that can cause discomfort and irritation during intercourse, when you wear tight clothing, or during exercise. It’s appropriate for women who’ve had major changes after childbirth or dramatic weight loss, as well as for those who were born with large labia. The procedure takes between 60 and 90 minutes.
  • Vaginoplasty tightens the muscles that often become stretched and loose after having a baby; the muscles of the vagina can also be affected by aging or genetics. Loose vaginal muscles can affect the sexual satisfaction of both partners. A vaginoplasty can restore vaginal muscle tone and is often performed in conjunction with labiaplasty.
  • Clitoral hood reduction removes excessive skin over the clitoris that can interfere with sexual pleasure during lovemaking. An enlarged hood can also create physical discomfort when wearing tight clothing. This is a very quick 30-minute procedure to perform; neither the clitoral nerves nor the clitoris itself is involved in the actual surgery and are protected during the procedure.

Dr. Brahme welcomes your questions about feminine rejuvenation; his special training in this area lets him suggest the best approach to restore self-confidence and sexual enjoyment. He and Cristina are available for a confidential consultation to discuss all issues related to delicate subject of vaginal aesthetics.

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