Danielle Gets Her Perfect Breasts After a Long Wait!

The decision to have cosmetic surgery is one that takes a lot of thought—four years, to be exact, in Danielle’s case! That’s how long she dreamed of having her perfect breasts and contemplated breast augmentation. Now, her only regret is waiting so long.
breast augmentation patient

“Looking back, I wish I had done it sooner. I am so happy with the results.” Danielle

Though Danielle was bothered by her breast sagging and lack of proportion, she needed to mentally prepare for having surgery. Once she visited LJC for her consultation, she knew she was ready—and she scheduled her procedure for the following week.

Her goals were to balance out her body by adding volume and shape to her breasts, while at the same time being able to avoid uncomfortable underwire and push-up bras.

“Every person that helped me through my procedure was better than the previous. Everything about my experience has been and was outstanding. I have already referred two friends to LJC who have had procedures done and look great!” Danielle

Danielle had high hopes for LJC, thanks to their great reviews and reputation for wonderful service, top-notch care, commitment to safety, and beautiful outcomes—all factors which were incredibly important to her.

From her very first appointment throughout her entire experience, Danielle was amazed by the ongoing support of everyone at LJC—particularly when she was at her most anxious on surgery day.

“Since having surgery, I can wear clothes I could not before, the rest of my body is more proportioned, I have less back pain because my breasts are not pulling every day, and I am wearing very light bras, if any at all. I have a boost in confidence now and when I look in the mirror, I finally get to see, every single day, what I had always envisioned.” Danielle

These days, Danielle is thrilled with her results and how confident she feels about her look—and she feels good about recommending LJC to all of her friends and family hoping to improve or enhance.

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