“I made what I truly believe was the best choice I’ve ever made.” – Actual Patient


Read About Audrey’s Experience

There are many motivations for considering cosmetic surgery. For Audrey, it was recovering after the loss of her husband. She also moved to San Diego to be closer to her son.

As Audrey dealt with her husband’s death and her relocation, her appearance changed. Looking in the mirror, she noticed her eyes were “so tired and wrinkled”. She decided she wanted her former confidence back.

Audrey called LJC asking to see Dr. Johan Brahme about an eyelid lift and a tummy tuck, too, “From there, I made what I truly believe was the best choice I’ve ever made”. Audrey felt confident and “excited” when she left the Centre. She knew she’d selected a great surgeon who really listened to her.

For Audrey, LJC’s knowledgeable and caring staff really mattered.

“The staff definitely made a large impact on my decision to follow through with my surgery. I had many questions and concerns, but by the time I left the consult, every one of them were answered – and to my fullest understanding.”*Audrey

Audrey did her research to evaluate the people she was considering. She knew this would be something she would live with for the rest of her life. Top factors on her checklist were:

  • safety in an accredited facility
  • a lengthy business history
  • appropriate board certifications
  • highly-qualified and experienced personnel and
  • an excellent post-operative nurturing program.

A fond memory for Audrey was her conversation with Dr. Brahme just before surgery, “Dr. Brahme talked to me in a way that assured me I was in the right place. It was good to see and talk to the person who would change the way I feel about myself forever.”

What’s happening with Audrey now? She’s enjoying her new figure and getting out and about more. Her renewed confidence motivates her to carry on with a healthy lifestyle. She’s even been able to discontinue her blood pressure meds. Her friends and family are awed by how great she looks.

“Words cannot explain the impact that took place after the surgery.
My waist was flat again [and] my eyes were so amazing, I looked years younger instantly. Wow!”*Audrey


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