Strattice Bottoming Out

Correcting “Bottomed Out” Breast Implants with Strattice™ Tissue Matrix

Your breast implants rely on surrounding skin and tissue for support. If the skin stretches too much following breast augmentation, sometimes implants will look as though they are sitting too low, or are “bottoming out.” The good news? We can help you correct this by adding support with a Strattice™ Tissue Matrix.

How do you know if your implants have “bottomed out”?

Bottoming out is the popular term for what happens when the breast pocket has dropped lower than desired. Surgeons might refer to bottoming out as a lengthened nipple-to-fold distance. The skin below the nipple may look stretched and disproportionately long, giving the breast a droopy or sagging appearance with the nipple seeming to sit too high on the breast.


What causes breast implants to bottom out?

Around your breasts are folds of tissue that provide your breast shape—usually in gentle curvatures under and on both sides of the breasts. If the skin, which provides a supportive envelope for the breasts, becomes thin, weak, or stretched, this laxity may cause the breasts to drop.

Factors such as heredity, aging, pregnancy, rapid weight changes, or multiple breast surgery procedures can all contribute to the excessive skin laxity that can cause bottoming out.

Correcting Bottoming out with Strattice™

Bottoming out is a frequent reason for breast revision surgery using Strattice™ Reconstructive Tissue Matrix. When used to support the fold, Strattice™ is attached internally to the inframammary fold and chest muscle. This can help your surgeon achieve better support for your implant and breast tissue, and position the breasts in the desired location.


If you’re unhappy with the appearance of your breasts after augmentation, contact us! We’ll be happy to discuss your concerns and go over your options for breast revision surgery using Strattice™ at a free personal consultation.

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