A poolside photo of Amie’s backside from a trip to Mexico forced her to ask, “Where did my body go?”
Then realizing how difficult it is to get rid of back fat once you’re over 40, she turned to San Diego plastic surgeon Dr. Luke Swistun who recommended 360 lipo to contour her back, sides, and abdomen, paired with Renuvion to tighten her skin.
Amie gives her tips for anyone considering 360 lipo, from finding the right surgeon to maintaining your results afterward. She shares how she prepared for recovery (including her “a friend a day” strategy) and how she stayed positive and even had fun during downtime.
A note from Amie:
“You have one life to live, have no regrets and give yourself that confidence you want!”
Find out:
- Why she chose Dr. Swistun after consulting with multiple doctors
- How painful recovery was for her
- How long she took off from her job as an ER nurse
- Tips for wearing compression garments during the summer
- How Dr. Swistun cleverly hid her incisions in her tattoos
Meet Amie’s doctor, San Diego plastic surgeon Dr. Luke Swistun
Meet Amie’s lymphatic massage therapist, Kathleen Lisson
Learn more about 360 lipo
Hear Dr. Swistun explain his 3-position approach to 360 lipo on our episode, What Other Plastic Surgeons Won’t Tell You About 360 Lipo
View highlights from Amie’s photo shoot with Dr. Swistun:

Please request your free consultation online or call La Jolla Cosmetic, San Diego, at (858) 452-1981 for more
Monique Ramsey (00:04):
Welcome everyone to The La Jolla Cosmetic Podcast. I’m your hostess Monique Ramsey. Today, I have a very special patient on the podcast. Her name is Amie, and she had surgery with Dr. Luke Swistun, and we’re so honored that she is happy, happy to come in and share her experience with you, her motivations, how the surgery went, what surgery she had, and try to help people who are maybe thinking about having surgery as well and what the experience was like. And so welcome, Amie.
Amie (00:36):
Well, thank you very much. I’m happy to be here. First time doing this.
Monique Ramsey (00:41):
Yeah, that’s okay.
Amie (00:43):
Excited though.
Monique Ramsey (00:44):
We’ll get started with an easy question. Tell us a little bit about yourself.
Amie (00:48):
I’m originally from St. Louis and I ended up out in California as a traveling nurse, so I do work in the er. Been a nurse for 17 years now. That’s what brought me to San Diego.
Monique Ramsey (01:00):
Yeah. Well, you don’t look like you’ve been doing anything for 17 years, other than taking amazing care of yourself, gorgeous. Tell us a little bit about what was bothering you and what were the drivers that helped you decide, okay, this is something I want to do, and tell everybody about what procedure you ended up having.
Amie (01:23):
I actually used to live in Orange County, and I decided to get my bachelor’s back in 2014, and I think that’s when I started to see, oh gosh, where is this back fat coming from? Because schoolwork, trying to balance everything, trying to work out, trying to eat healthy, it didn’t work. And so as the years went on, a group of us went to Tulum about two Decembers ago, and someone took a picture of me sitting at the pool from behind, and I thought, oh, I’m not liking that at all. Where is my old body? Being over 40 now that back fat is so hard. It is so hard to get rid of.
Monique Ramsey (02:15):
It’s mean. It really is like mother nature’s mean trick, like back fat, why of all places?
Amie (02:24):
Where is this coming from? So I hated the picture, and as much as I work out with Orange Theory, Pilates, hiking, I just could not get rid of it. So I needed help. I did have someone recommend somewhere in Orange County. I went and spoke with them. I wasn’t feeling it at all. I felt like a number. What do you want? What do you want to do? Okay, we can do this. It was just so informal. I didn’t like it. So I kept searching in San Diego and La Jolla Cosmetic just kept popping up. Then I had a friend who used to work with a girl that worked at La Jolla Cosmetic, and she recommended Dr. Swistun.
Monique Ramsey (03:07):
Oh my gosh.
Amie (03:08):
Monique Ramsey (03:08):
That’s nice to have the inside scoop there.
Amie (03:13):
Yes, yes. The medical field we’re big, but we know people. That’s what brought me. And initially I went in to get rid of the back fat, and when I was there I realized, you know what? I need to go all around. Let’s just, I’m going in, let’s do this. So then that’s when I decided to do the 360, there was no pressure from him. It was me deciding, I think this is going to look great because if you just fix the back, but then it’s not equal. It’s going to look a little silly.
Monique Ramsey (03:49):
Yeah, that’s true. Well, if there’s other problem areas, it certainly is a lot easier to address them all at the same time.
Amie (03:57):
Exactly. And he’s just so, I mean, not only super sweet, but he’s very meticulous. He will discuss and talk through every single thing. I mean, he was just so specific. He was very much, Hey, let’s get you involved in this too. This is what I’m looking at. Are you on the same page? And he was just so awesome like that. So it really made me feel comfortable and I thought, oh my gosh, I think this is the guy.
Monique Ramsey (04:28):
He really is special, and he is such an artist. And that translates when he’s talking to you at the consultation about whatever it is. He’s so passionate about it, and he is such an artist. And his first degree was in photography and visual arts, and you had a photo shoot with him, which I just can’t wait to see all the pictures. I got one little preview last week. I was like, oh my gosh. And so it’s super exciting. But so it’s like the artist in him from different perspectives and from the medical side, but also just he’s seeing you and your whole body to your point of we don’t see ourselves from the back very often.
Amie (05:11):
Monique Ramsey (05:11):
Which is maybe a good thing, but addressing the whole thing at one time and kind of how he does his sculpting. And he and I had a podcast last week and it’s about his three position, 360 lipo, and we talked about the differences. So everybody listening in the audience, check that out because that’ll help you to understand what his technique is for 360 lipo, how it’s different and very special. It’s just a little more involved. And so I’ll give you that as the preview. But did he talk to you about that part of it in the consultation?
Amie (05:55):
He did. He went through everything with the abdominal and the back, and had even suggested the area right above the breast kind of going into the axilla area. Even tons of skinny people still have that little fat.
Monique Ramsey (06:13):
A little pooch?
Amie (06:14):
Yeah, that we have. So we did that as well, and I was so thrilled to have all this removed and have a new look on life, the new me, in my forties. Got my old body back.
Monique Ramsey (06:34):
Yeah. Now being a nurse and being in the middle of medical field, were you nervous at all about the consultation or was that not really something that was part of it?
Amie (06:46):
No, no. I wouldn’t say. I mean, his humbleness and how he explained everything, just had this warm comfort feeling that I was in good hands, that I honestly nervous, I mean, probably the night before, obviously. Kind of like holy crap, this is happening. I’m really doing this. But just super excited more so. And then of course, everybody at the office was so awesome and so positive, and it just makes you wanted to go in there and have this done with everybody who was on the team.
Monique Ramsey (07:25):
Yeah. Yeah. Well, it’s probably a big difference between emergency medicine and what we get to do every day.
Amie (07:31):
Oh my gosh. Everybody’s in a good mood.
Monique Ramsey (07:34):
I know. And we’re happy. And it’s fun. It’s fun to see, I mean, the gratification of when you see patients who are super happy and they’ve gotten to their goal of what they wanted to accomplish, it’s a really cool feeling. And we just love it, and we love to participate in that journey with each of the patients. So you had the liposuction where the 360 lipo three position, 360 lipo. And so tell me all the areas you had. So you had the little pooches, the bra line, your back?
Amie (08:10):
Yes. Basically almost the entire back and the abdomen. So I remember the day going in, going, can you just make those nice lines, those lateral lines on the abdomen? And he gave me a smile and he’s like, I got you. Don’t worry. I said, okay, let’s do this.
Monique Ramsey (08:33):
And you also had Renuvion of your abdomen and back?
Amie (08:38):
Oh, yes, yes, yes.
Monique Ramsey (08:38):
And the Renuvion is a tool that we can use. It helps tighten the skin. Because even, I mean, obviously you were not overweight prior to surgery, so it wasn’t like you had 80 pound weight loss and the skin was super saggy. But liposuction, and depending on how great your skin quality is or not, and your age, it can be a little bit getting that retraction, I guess, getting that snap back is something that’s not always super predictable. And I think the Renuvion is a very cool tool to help shrink wrap a little bit. Right?
Amie (09:14):
No, I’m glad you mentioned that because yes, he definitely have recommended that, and I highly recommend that because not only, like you said, you’re taking away the fat, but you’re tightening everything up with it, and that is such a key, and it’s a very weird feeling.
Monique Ramsey (09:36):
Is it? What did it feel like?
Amie (09:36):
It’s a very weird feeling of the tightness. It’s there for, oh, months, months, months, months, months.
Monique Ramsey (09:43):
Oh, really?
Amie (09:43):
You feel so good with the garment on, you just don’t want to take it off, but not painful.
Monique Ramsey (09:51):
Yeah, but tight. Like a corset almost, maybe?
Amie (09:55):
Yes. It feels like a corset on your skin.
Monique Ramsey (09:58):
Oh my gosh, how interesting.
Amie (10:00):
It’s very interesting. And you have that numbness for months, and so Yeah, that’s pretty wild. I still have that tightness on the upper abdomen and in the back, but now I’m kind of used to it that I hope it doesn’t go away. I feel so good. It’s like a little hug.
Monique Ramsey (10:21):
You remember us. That’s one of those, what do they call it? Like a parting gift? Yes. Here’s your parting gift for participating. In the getting ready for surgery, and that kind of preoperative, you come in a couple of weeks before you have your pre-op, and then in that time period, if it’s a week, two weeks, usually it’s about two weeks. Then did you have any, I don’t know, what were you doing to, I guess, plan for the surgery? Like getting ready as a nurse? I would assume you’re a planner and thinking about post-op in a way that maybe most people don’t.
Amie (11:02):
I also had a lot of help with all my nursing doctor, friends, girlfriend of mine who actually works in plastic surgery also up in LA. She is my lifesaver. All of them, all of them are my lifesavers that have come and helped me. And I prepped with, oh, I’m trying to think, because I do work in the ER and there’s a lot of nasty infections that go around. So we did a lot of precautions with some ointment that I used under my nose. Just a lot of preventative to prevent any sort of infection, vitamins. I made sure I stocked up on really healthy foods, high protein for healing well. I made sure I did all my extra certifications early for work, redid a bunch of get re-certified and everything. So when I came back to work, I had nothing pending.
Monique Ramsey (11:58):
Oh, oh, got it.
Amie (11:59):
Oh yeah. But yeah, I pretty much had everybody lined up. I gathered, my family doesn’t live here, so all my girlfriends that I had here, I said, okay, I live by myself, we have to have somebody here. I need a friend a day.
Monique Ramsey (12:13):
A friend a day. That’s all it takes.
Amie (12:18):
I had a friend a day and everybody was in line. Everybody was so excited for me, and they were on board. They were like, okay, I can do this day. And then somebody else was like, I can do this day. I can do later in this day. And my one girlfriend stayed down for I think about three or four days, the initial, and being that she worked in medical spa, she had everything set up for me. She said, okay, we got your towels. We have, we have your chucks, because you’re going to have drainage. We don’t want to get anything dirty. I’m going to bring you a female urinal for when you pee because you’re going to dribble and things that you don’t,
Monique Ramsey (12:59):
I didn’t even know that was a thing, but I’m fascinated.
Amie (13:02):
Yeah. So we had a female urinal. I prepped. Okay, don’t laugh everyone, because but here’s a question, right? Here’s a question. How do I wipe my backside?
Monique Ramsey (13:14):
Oh, good point. Okay. And you’ve got a garment on, right? And you can’t really move super well, I’m assuming, based on all the areas that he took care of.
Amie (13:24):
Yes. So exactly. How do I wipe myself? So I got a bidet.
Monique Ramsey (13:30):
Oh, well, you know what? That’s becoming a whole thing. I know it’s been a whole thing in other parts of the world, but lately I see ’em all over the place. I saw one on Instagram the other day, a little, you can retrofit your toilet, which is actually a genius.
Amie (13:43):
I know. So my neighbor had one, and I said, this is genius. I need this. This is so amazing. He’s like, I never saw anybody so excited for a bidet. I said, I don’t know what I have coming, but I think this is going to be a good thing. So I made ’em install it for me. Yeah. So I had a bidet. It’s so silly, but I washed my hair, made sure I washed my hair. I knew I was not going to wash my hair for a very long time, actually three weeks.
Monique Ramsey (14:09):
Oh my gosh.
Amie (14:10):
I actually went to a salon and said, can someone wash my hair? I can’t raise my arms very high.
Monique Ramsey (14:15):
Yeah, it’s just too hard.
Amie (14:16):
It’s too hard.
Monique Ramsey (14:17):
And you have such long, gorgeous hair.
Amie (14:19):
Thank you. It’s like, that’s a whole thing. Let them do it. It’s because you feel so good after even your hair is washed, right?
Monique Ramsey (14:26):
Yeah, that’s true.
Amie (14:27):
So all these little things. But the garment, the one I had, I had an opening to urinate and to defecate, and then that bidet came and super handy. I had girlfriends come over and they brought a daily wipe because I couldn’t shower for about three weeks with the two drains in. So I just did body washes that they helped me, areas I couldn’t reach.
Monique Ramsey (14:55):
Yeah. Oh, that’s nice. Those are good friends.
Amie (14:58):
They’re such good friends. And I think with all of us being in the medical field, we’re like, well, we just have to get it done. We don’t care that you’re naked. This is every day with us.
Monique Ramsey (15:09):
I think that’s so nice though. I think good friends, that’s when they show up for you, that’s important.
Amie (15:14):
Absolutely. So you need support though, because you need help. I needed help getting rolling out of bed. You don’t realize how much you’re using your abdomen. You can’t lay around. You don’t want to get any complications such as DVT known as blood clots. So yeah,
Monique Ramsey (15:31):
You have to keep moving, right?
Amie (15:32):
Yeah. I would get up and I would just start pacing in the living room and just chit chatting with my friends. Okay, okay. I did my exercise for the day, but you can’t really bend over a whole lot. So actually my girlfriend’s had to rearrange my fridge so I could get stuff or I couldn’t reach stuff. So one of my girlfriends genius, she did the grab. Have you ever seen that? It’s like a pole that has a little grab.
Monique Ramsey (16:02):
Yeah, like a little grabber. Yeah.
Amie (16:03):
Yes. I was using that and it was fabulous. You don’t realize all these little things.
Monique Ramsey (16:09):
I love these ideas. Amie’s tips, post-op tips, her pre-op and post-op secret shopping list.
Amie (16:17):
The female urinal, and what else do we do? Oh, my robe, the tie on your robe. We actually tied it onto my couch and it helped me pull myself up if someone wasn’t there, because I live by myself, remember that I live by myself. So sometimes if somebody wasn’t there, I had to figure out, okay, how am I going to shim shimmy my way off this couch?
Monique Ramsey (16:44):
So did you tie it around the leg of, or the foot of the couch?
Amie (16:47):
Yeah, the bottom of the couch.
Monique Ramsey (16:48):
The bottom, so then you can kind of
Amie (16:50):
Kind help shimmy myself.
Monique Ramsey (16:52):
Amie (16:52):
We got really creative.
Monique Ramsey (16:53):
If you and I ever go on Survivor or what’s the one where the Amazing Race? I’m taking you with me, man. You were very,
Amie (17:02):
I can’t take all the credit.
Monique Ramsey (17:03):
MacGyver, Amie MacGyver.
Amie (17:06):
I definitely can’t take all the credit. They all came up with different things as well. So
Monique Ramsey (17:10):
That’s fun though.
Amie (17:11):
That’s fun.
Monique Ramsey (17:12):
You’re going to remember this.
Amie (17:14):
It was so fun. Oh my gosh. Yeah. It was a good time. I would even, once I start to go out and about, I would carry a big bag and have my urinal with me, which was great. My friends were like, what is this? I said, I had to get out of the house. I had to get out.
Monique Ramsey (17:30):
Have a little bag, have bags, will travel. Thinking about your mental, I guess, prior to surgery of how much pain you might be in.
Amie (17:41):
Oh, good question.
Monique Ramsey (17:42):
And what it really was, how much was it way worse than you thought? About the same? Way easier?
Amie (17:51):
So everybody has a different threshold for pain. My threshold is very high. I can handle pain, but surprisingly, it wasn’t painful. I thought I felt as I did a thousand crunches or I did some major back workout. I mean, I was so sore. I was so sore. I felt stiff. But to say extreme pain, no. I took a gram of Tylenol and that settled my pain. Now, granted, he did give me some stronger things, but I’m also very sensitive to medication where it doesn’t take a lot. I don’t really take a whole lot of medications. So the gram of Tylenol for me personally, worked fine, but however, when it wore off, I needed some more. So I had two drains, and I would say those were pretty sensitive. Again, just sore. But the Tylenol worked with that. But I would say that that was probably the most pain was the two drains. They were just more pretty annoying.
Monique Ramsey (19:02):
They’re annoying.
Amie (19:03):
Just annoying when they get pulled out. Yes, yes, yes. They stayed in for three weeks. We did have to watch. And so I had two, right? So the first one was in the lower left pelvic area. The second one was in the lower sacrum area.
Monique Ramsey (19:22):
Oh, great. So then you can’t really get away from where they are.
Amie (19:27):
Can’t get comfortable, right? We drained the JP drains. They were draining great. But we were watching them, I want to say, what was it? One and a half, close to two weeks. The front one came out. And I should have definitely have taken Tylenol before that because it kind of threw me off a little bit. Kind of like it’s a shock. It was very uncomfortable. Let’s just say that.
Monique Ramsey (19:52):
Yeah, it’s a weird feeling.
Amie (19:54):
It’s a weird feeling.
Monique Ramsey (19:54):
But I mean, it kind of is quick, but at the same time, time, it’s weird. It’s just weird.
Amie (20:00):
Yes, I should have taken Tylenol. I did not. But in fact, I kind of had a little vasal vagal reaction to it where I was like, Ooh, I’m seeing spots. I think I need to sit. But honestly, that happens to a lot of people. That’s not uncommon. So I just sat down. They brought me some juice. I was fine 15, 20 minutes later. But it is super important though, to have someone there the first time you shower because you think you’re drinking enough fluids. I did have a bit of a near syncope, I guess you would say, episode in the shower. And I had a girlfriend there and I was like, oh, I got to get out. I got to get out. I think the shower is too hot. I need to get out. I’m seeing spots.
Monique Ramsey (20:46):
So yeah, where you just super lightheaded? Like you might go down?
Amie (20:49):
Yes, yes. So I need to get out and lay down. Let’s elevate my legs. I’ll be fine. And it passed. And he does talk about, Hey, make sure someone’s there with you before, because this is something kind of common, not scary, it’s not dangerous. You just, listen to your body.
Monique Ramsey (21:09):
So in terms of the team around Dr. Swistun, who was the team around you and where did they come in? Was there anybody who made that experience you had easier?
Amie (21:25):
So Kayla, who works with Dr. Swistun, she was there. She was awesome. She coordinated everything. She’s very organized right on top of everything. So I had never really had to ask twice with anything. I mean, she just had everything put together. And then Nancy, Nancy was awesome. She was, oh, you know what? So she went over, there’s a book that they give you this packet, and she went over the packet and what I needed to do, the expectations, what to expect, what to mentally expect during the process. So with that packet that Nancy went over, that was really awesome. Ruth in the OR? She was a great.
Monique Ramsey (22:07):
She’s the best, isn’t she?
Amie (22:11):
She’s awesome. She used to be an ER nurse as well. So it was great reminiscing with her as an ER nurse to an ER nurse. The anesthesiologist, he was so nice. He was kind of funny. Obviously I have these eyelashes and he goes, oh man, I’m so sorry. We are going to have to shut your eyes with tape. They might come off. I said, oh, no problem. These are old. Don’t worry about it. I thought, oh, that’s so sweet. He was worried about my eyelashes. I was like, who cares? I can get those.
Monique Ramsey (22:45):
I’m not going to be seeing anybody anyway for a while.
Amie (22:47):
I’m not gonna be seeing anybody for a while.
Monique Ramsey (22:51):
Oh, that’s cute. That’s cute. And so how long, you had to drain in, you said one of them was there for three weeks. So I’m assuming you weren’t back to work for at least three weeks. And tell us a little bit about getting, how much time did you allot to take off? And then did you have to extend that or did that turn out to be right? And how was getting back into work? I’m sure, in the ER, I can’t even imagine you ever get to sit down ever?
Amie (23:17):
Yes. So we planned for six weeks just because the job is so physical. At six weeks, I still was having a bit of a difficult time still getting off the bed or off the couch. And I thought, oh, how am I going to take care of patients? I can’t do this. So I actually did. Well, here’s something I haven’t talked about either. We did lymphatic massages, which is super important because you want to keep everything smooth. You don’t want anything to get hard. And so Kathleen is amazing that they recommended. I asked to go to her a couple more times or called her up. And because it loosens it up, it really makes you feel good.
Monique Ramsey (24:08):
She is so good. She’s one of my favorite people. I love her. Amazing. And she’s such an expert at it. She teaches people all around the world how to do it. And she knows, and for plastic surgery patient specifically, she knows, and you can feel safe with her because she’s not going to do anything to hurt you. Because there’s people out there saying, oh yeah, I’m a lymphatic massage nurse or specialist, and they might’ve taken a weekend course, and they don’t really know what safe, what isn’t. And this is surgery, but doesn’t it make you just feel it’s the weirdest thing because it’s such a light. It’s not like a massage, massage just moving the fluid. But I remember after having mine, my whole body felt like everything felt better. My mental capacity was, everything felt so much better, just moving that swelling. I had mine after a facelift, and I had gotten a little hematoma, of course, I was throwing up, I was sick.
Amie (25:13):
Oh, no.
Monique Ramsey (25:13):
All the things that happened to you. So I was really puffy. I looked like a pumpkin, I thought. And I had to go to a wedding in 10 days from the beginning of the facelift. So I was like, I got to do something. But I just didn’t feel that good either. And it was like, not only did it clear up the issue and help take the swelling way down, but I felt better. And it was like, I don’t know what it’s doing in there, but this is the best thing ever. Moving the toxins out or something.
Amie (25:45):
It was great. Yes. So that is also a big part of healing because it decreases the inflammation. It keeps everything smooth. It’s so incredible because you feel like you’re shrinking because the garment fits better afterwards, everything. So I did a few more things, a few more lymphatic massages to really get me ready. We did have to extend it two weeks.
Monique Ramsey (26:14):
You brought up compression garments. So how long did you wear them, and how many times did you have to keep getting smaller ones?
Amie (26:22):
Oh my gosh. And it was very exciting. So originally they gave me a garment that I wore, and then the next round I think was a medium. And then we went to a small, then I actually, I had to order an extra small garment, and I wore that, oh my gosh, I have to say months.
Monique Ramsey (26:50):
It feels good, right? This is what I keep hearing from people, is that it feels better on, in a way, than off.
Amie (26:56):
Yes. Because you feel the, like I said, that tightness feeling. And so when it comes off, you feel like, oh, oh, I need to get
Monique Ramsey (27:06):
Too jiggly.
Amie (27:06):
I need to have that support again. I need to have that support, even though there’s nothing wrong, but you just feel so good with that support of the garment.
Monique Ramsey (27:15):
Okay. So tell me about getting through the summer with this, because sometimes people think, I don’t know if I want to be all summer in a garment. Am I going to be too hot? Am I going to be, or whatever, more revealing clothes might be hard for now. Was the garment, how long did it go on your thigh? Was it short, kind of?
Amie (27:36):
Oh, the garment?
Monique Ramsey (27:37):
Or was it only to your pelvic area up to your armpits?
Amie (27:42):
Oh yeah. No, it was under the breast and kind of underwear. Yeah. So I thought it was comfortable. It wasn’t hot at all or uncomfortable, but honestly, during the summer it was easy. I could throw on a quick little sundress.
Monique Ramsey (28:01):
Yeah, it’s almost like a slip over it, right? Yeah.
Amie (28:03):
Yes, yes. So it was easy because you have easy clothes to wear during the summer. So in that aspect, I thought it was really, really easy. But I’m also a summer girl, so I thought, oh man, not yet. I can’t go in my swimsuit and show this off.
Monique Ramsey (28:22):
Okay. So when did you feel, did you have a moment of where you were wearing something, either a bathing suit or a special dress, or a certain occasion where you were like, wow.
Amie (28:36):
Monique Ramsey (28:39):
Because your whole lifestyle is kind of upended, right? Between work and all your friends coming and everything’s completely kind of thrown out of joint. And so where was it where you had that moment of like, okay, this was really a good idea?
Amie (28:55):
Yeah, so I absolutely remember it was Labor Day weekend. One of my best friends came down from Orange County, and it was the first time that he had saw me and I had my swimsuit on, and he was like, oh my gosh. He’s like, you look like Barbie. And I go, I feel like Barbie. And so we took a picture, and actually I sent it to Kayla and I go, look, I feel like Barbie, thank you so much for making me look like Barbie. And yeah, that was probably the first moment that
Monique Ramsey (29:32):
That’s so cool.
Amie (29:33):
Monique Ramsey (29:34):
Now tell me about where are your scars?
Amie (29:37):
Well, he was loving it because I have tattoos, so he’s like,
Monique Ramsey (29:42):
This is easy.
Amie (29:42):
This is great. I can hide them in your tattoos. And he did. I can’t see any of them. There was one in the lower right pelvis that you can’t see. And then there was two in the lower back that was through my tattoos. So I can’t see anything.
Monique Ramsey (30:03):
And did you have any incisions for the little pooches by the bra at all?
Amie (30:08):
Oh, yes, yes, yes. So he,
Monique Ramsey (30:09):
I’m like, how did he get up there?
Amie (30:10):
In the axilla. Yeah. So he went through the areola. I woke up and I was like, whoa, steri strips. Okay. That’s where he went. And then, yes, under the axilla, there was two little incisions there.
Monique Ramsey (30:25):
So tell me what you would tell somebody who’s thinking about 360 lipo or really any kind of from a body contouring. I mean, you’ve been through it. What would you tell them about the process?
Amie (30:41):
Well, first of all, I would be so excited for them because if that’s something that you’re looking to do, I’d say do it because whatever makes you happy, whatever that is in your life. Because being a nurse, when we see some not so glamorous things in the ER that I always tell people, you have one life to live. Live it. Enjoy it, to your best.
Monique Ramsey (31:09):
And what would you tell someone who’s looking for a plastic surgeon?
Amie (31:12):
Well, medically, I’d probably look into what’s their infection rate, and then look at their results of others. Once I got in there, I would see how are they treating me coming in, like before, am I in number, or do they actually care that I’m going to come here? That I’m not a number, that I’m a person and they’re trying to make a difference in my life? And also a plastic surgeon who would listen to you, not just, okay, uh-huh, uh-huh, uh-huh, I hear what you’re saying. I can do that for you. Are we good? Somebody that gets you involved with your decisions and make sure that they’re on the same page. Exactly what Dr. Swistun did that he legitimately, he cares.
Monique Ramsey (32:01):
He does.
Amie (32:02):
He wants the best for you and the best outcome. And somebody that makes you comfortable, that’s not rushing you. Somebody that’s again, seeing what you’re seeing, and you’re on the same page as well.
Monique Ramsey (32:19):
So any other last words of wisdom you have, Amie, because you have so many good, we’ve gotten so many tips out of, this session is so good. And we’re going to put in the show notes some pictures from your amazing photo shoot. Oh, you guys, I can’t wait to see them. Dr. Swistun, he’s, yeah well, I’ve gotten through editing, lighting and whatever, cropping through editing a thousand of ’em. And I have another, I’m like 2000 photos? He goes, oh, yeah, that’s like a normal photo shoot. It’s so funny. So I’m sure you have Christmas card material galore from this, or for your Instagram, you could have a whole profile just dedicated to, so what kinds of things did you wear? I only saw one photo, so I don’t know.
Amie (33:13):
Oh, okay. So I wore my swimsuit. I had an outfit that I brought that I wore for New Year’s. It was a two piece outfit, a dress and a top. And then I wore another dress that the whole back was open to show the back.
Monique Ramsey (33:31):
Very nice. Because that’s where we started. It’s full circle. We started with back fat, and then you should get to show off with a backless dress. I don’t think I’ve ever been, it’s been 30 years since I could have worn a backless dress, so I think that’s awesome. That’s so nice.
Amie (33:47):
I was excited. Actually, a friend of mine, that was my Christmas gift from her. She’s like, you deserve this dress. I saw this. So grateful. So that was the one that I wore for the backless.
Monique Ramsey (33:58):
I love that. All right. Well, any other words of wisdom or we’re going to just let you enjoy your amazing life, Amie, the nurse, and hope that we never see you in the ER. Right? That’s what we all want. We don’t want to meet her in her job. Have you come back and give us more tips each year. Maybe we’ll have expert Amie.
Amie (34:20):
Oh my gosh.
Monique Ramsey (34:21):
And her MacGyver tips for surgery.
Amie (34:24):
I love it. There is, not that I never had confidence, cuz I know I had spoke and said I wanted my old body back. What I was in my twenties, which I didn’t have that I felt that I was not happy about after the age of 40. And I do want to say that it is such a confidence boost and just so powerful when you have that confidence and you just feel so good about yourself. And I had one of my friends who I met when I went back to get my bachelor’s when she came down and saw the results and just my whole aura about myself. She goes, I love you to death and you’re back because your energy, what you had when I met you, it’s back. It’s where it was when I met you. And it’s just so happy to see.
Monique Ramsey (35:33):
That’s so nice.
Amie (35:34):
It was really nice. Yeah, it’s amazing. I feel so good. And the other thing though is I have not given up working out. I mean, I work out hard. I work, I actually was at Orange Theory right before I came here. Every day I have off of work I’m doing Orange Theory or I’m lifting weights, I’m going on a hike. I play tennis. I’m still very, very active, which is super important because he did the hard part in the surgery. But you also need to know that you have to maintain it.
Monique Ramsey (36:10):
That’s a really important point. And one of the patients who came and was in our photo shoot, he was talking about how his surgery and he had lipo of the abdomen and how his surgery really kickstarted his healthy lifestyle. And it was three years later, and he is like, I’ve never been healthier. I eat great. I exercise. And he wasn’t super overweight, but he just was like, there was a little extra and he got rid of it. And he said, I’m so motivated to keep what I have. Well, it was fun to talk to you, and I can’t wait to see all these photos from Dr. Swistun of your
Amie (36:59):
Yeah, same.
Monique Ramsey (37:00):
Your beautiful.
Amie (37:00):
Thank you.
Monique Ramsey (37:01):
Three position, 360 lipo. So Amie, thank you again. And for everybody in the audience, whether you’re watching us on YouTube or whether you are listening or one of your favorite podcast platforms, subscribe, every Tuesday we have a new episode. And if you have any questions, throw ’em in the comments and we’ll get them answered for you. And we’ll have links in the show notes to all the things we talked about, because we talked about so many. Producer Hannah, she’ll have her work cut out for her to get us all those links. So thanks everybody, and we’ll see you on the next one.
Announcer (37:39):
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