Firefighter Rescues Her Post-Pregnancy Physique


Fighting fires takes courage and skill, and impressive physical fitness. So when firefighter Angel was blessed with a beautiful set of twins, she admits to being discouraged to find pregnancy had really “done a number” on her body. Confident in her role as a firefighter (and now a mom!), Angel decided to reclaim her figure and regain her fitness. A friend recommended she come to La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre to discuss a tummy tuck and liposuction with Dr. Brahme. From the moment she finished her consultation, Angel knew she had found the right doctor to help her achieve her goals.

“I had consulted with other plastic surgeons… after meeting Dr. Brahme,
I knew there was no other doctor for me.”*

As any savvy shopper knows, there are important points to consider when making an investment, and when it comes to surgery, health and safety are a priority. A properly accredited facility, an experienced, appropriately licensed staff and surgeon, and a thorough approach to care before, during, and after surgery are essential. Angel knew she’d come to the right place. Her pre-operative conversations with Dr. Brahme confirmed that her expectations were realistic, and she was prepared to move forward with her mommy makeover.

“I knew I would never be a supermodel… I just wanted to be comfortable in my own body.”*Angel

After checking in with Angel following her surgeries, we were pleased to learn that she felt not only comfortable, but fabulous! So fabulous, in fact, that she returned later for a breast augmentation. Choosing these procedures gave Angel the boost she needed to begin eating well, exercising, and enjoying her curves again. She sums up her choice to have surgery and her experience at LJC pretty clearly:

“Can I just say ‘amazing’. I feel amazing and I think I look amazing. My husband thinks I look great too. Dr. Brahme helped me with that first step, the rest was up to me. He gave me that chance. I am so thankful.”*Angel

Thank you, Angel, for believing in us and allowing us to share in your positive life experience!

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