Coronavirus Update

Safety has been one of the hallmarks of LJC since our founding 32 years ago. As healthcare professionals, we already have many protocols in place to protect our patients.

One of the benefits of our practice is that we care for healthy patients both in our offices and in our surgery center. This reduces risk to our patients and enables us to maintain a safe environment. When you come to LJC or to our medical spa, you can be assured that our patient care team is being proactive.

As we deal with COVID-19, we are taking additional steps to ensure the health and safety of our patients and staff.

  • We have shared best practice health tips with our team and continue to keep them updated on a daily basis.
  • We have placed extra hand-sanitizing stations around our offices and increased the frequency and intensity of office cleaning.
  • We’ve added new technology to offer virtual appointments to replace some types of in-office visits.
  • We are restricting visits from patients and their friends and family if they have a fever or any respiratory symptoms. Anyone on our staff who is exhibiting any flu-like symptoms is staying home and we’re making accommodations for them to work remotely or take time off.
  • We are requiring virtual appointments for patients who have recently traveled by air within the last 14 days, either domestically or internationally. Our team is avoiding non-urgent personal travel and following the same return to the office protocols that apply to our patients.
  • Click here for a great article on the 10 things one epidemiologist told her friends to start doing now to fight coronavirus.

Here is a great refresher on thorough hand washing:

With care and good judgment, our goal is to have as little disruption as possible. We will continue to meticulously monitor guidance from the CDC and will adjust our protocols as advised. We will also keep you updated. (Update #2 available here)

If you have any specific questions, please feel free to reach out. Call or text us at (858) 452-1981 for the surgical practice and (858) 452-2066 for the medspa.

Attitude of Gratitude with holiday colored lights and gingerbread houses and cookies [attitude of gratitude]

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