“I wanted you to know what a tremendous impact you have had on my life.” – Actual Patient

Thank You CardDear Dr. Saltz,

I wanted you to know what a tremendous impact you have had on my life. I have never been so happy in my entire life, and I love my new boobs! I feel so sexy and acceptable! Men are noticing me now and I am back into the dating world with confidence. I’ve been out dancing twice already and really enjoyed myself.

On a more serious note, you must realize how your skills help the world. By creating joy for me, I am then able to pass along that joy to my students and people I meet in the world. When I pass along my kindness, joy, and love (due to renewed self-love), the world becomes a better place, one person at a time. I will never forget you, and my appreciation of your skills will never diminish.

They are the perfect size for my body!

Eternally grateful and loving my boobs!
– Actual Patient

Attitude of Gratitude with holiday colored lights and gingerbread houses and cookies [attitude of gratitude]

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