Johan Brahme, MD, San Diego Plastic Surgeon

Johan Brahme, MD

"My philosophy in patient care is essentially the application of the Golden Rule, to care for every single patient the way I would want my own family to be treated."

Dr. Brahme is a board certified plastic surgeon with a reputation for his kind bedside manner, commitment to safety, and beautiful results.

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All went smoothly. Good result.*
Dec 27, 2024
Doctor and team are experienced and achieved a great result with fast recovery *
Nov 21, 2024
I really love my breast augmentation and lift. I think the procedure came out beautiful and I am s…*
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Dr. Johan Brahme
Doctor in the making, Dr. Brahme investigating his father’s stethoscope

I’m Dr. Johan Brahme, a double board-certified plastic surgeon in San Diego, CA. I’d like to tell you a bit about myself so you can get to know me, my background, and my patient care philosophy. I have always felt that the more you know about someone, the better decisions you can make about who and what is right for you. And let’s face it, this is all about you and your decisions.

I was born into a family of physicians and spent my young life around doctors and hospitals. I was born and raised in Malmo, Sweden. My father often took me to work with him when I was a small boy. I loved the way that good doctors were able to comfort and help the patients.

When it came time for me to choose a career, there was no doubt in my mind that medicine was my path. I always loved science, art, and people. What better way to spend my life than practicing medicine, and plastic surgery in particular?

“My team and I make you the center of your plastic surgery experience. It is about your body, your life, your desires, and your decisions. You will find us honest, caring, highly experienced, and qualified; ask anyone who has been here.”

Dr. Johan Brahme

Training & Education

My family immigrated to the United States when I was in high school. We settled in San Diego, where my father was a professor at the UCSD medical school. Later, I went to UCSD myself both as a medical student and in plastic surgery. While I was training in plastic surgery, I became involved in a program called Interface, which focuses on providing cleft lip and palate surgery to poor children in Mexico. We travel to small clinics all over Mexico and perform life-changing operations. To this day, it has been one of the most rewarding experiences of my life. To light up a child’s face with a new smile is a gift I am glad that I am able to give.

Dr. Brahme in surgery
Dr. Johan Brahme in surgery

After completing my plastic surgery training at UCSD in 1992, I decided to stay in San Diego. I remained on the faculty at UCSD, advising and teaching residents, and I was in solo practice for several years. In 1999, I joined Dr. John Smoot, who is now my colleague once again at LJC. In 2004, I was invited to join La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre and have been here ever since. I am happy to be part of the practice which was voted the best cosmetic surgery practice in San Diego by Union-Tribune Readers 20 times since 2008.

I am a past president of the San Diego Plastic Surgery Society and continue to be involved in the international outreach program Interface. In addition, I am a member of both the American Society of Plastic Surgeons (ASPS) and The Aesthetic Society (formerly ASAPS).

On the personal side, I have been married for 23 years to an exceptional woman, Sevil, a physician and the mother of our two children, Lucas and Alexandra. I play music with my kids and my father and am on the Board of Directors of the La Jolla Music Society. My passions are music, traveling, my family, and plastic surgery. I welcome you to the La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre and look forward to meeting you and discussing your desires and goals.

Videos & Podcasts Featuring Dr. Brahme

Dr. Brahme’s Curriculum Vitae

Learn more about Dr. Brahme’s extensive training and experience in his Curriculum Vitae.

Make Your Dream Real With Dr. Brahme

If you would like to meet with Dr. Brahme to discuss what is possible with plastic surgery in La Jolla, please request a consultation online or call (858) 452-1981.

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