Facial Surgery

Talking About Facial Surgery with Dr. Brahme

One of the most common concerns I hear from both women and men who are youthful and active is that their appearance doesn’t match the way they feel. Perhaps you feel this way, too. Sometimes, patients tell me that they feel uncomfortable having their photos taken. Sometimes, they say that they see their parents when they look in the mirror. This disconnect is why so many people come to me for facial rejuvenation.

Most of us have areas of our face that we are unhappy with. Maybe it is the heavy eyelid making you look tired or the furrowed brow that make people ask you if you are mad. Perhaps it is Uncle Bob’s “turkey neck” or Aunt Ellen’s jowls. Whatever your chief concern is, we can successfully correct it most of the time.

My approach to facial rejuvenation is to ask you what your main concern is and then discuss each area of your face in order of importance to you. We discuss both why you have this particular feature and what it would take to correct it. Often, there are several options, and we will discuss each option and what it will do for you.

Sometimes, patients tell me they “just don’t like the way they look,” and then we start from the top to the bottom, from the brow to the neck, and analyze each area and what can be done.

I particularly enjoy facial plastic surgery because it restores you to the way you were ten or fifteen years ago. You still look like yourself (see before-and-after photos), just a more refreshed and rested version. If you analyze the photos, you can see that none of the patients have that windswept or surprised look that is sometimes associated with facelifts. I pride myself on achieving a natural appearance that looks “unoperated.” And patients range in age from their twenties to their eighties, depending on their genetics and lifestyle.

During the consultation, I guide you through all the different procedures, and we design the operation that gives you the best result with the least amount of recovery time and discomfort. Here, you will meet actual patients and see actual results and get all your questions answered.

Often, patients have seen advertisements for quick fix procedures or “non-invasive,” “scarless” procedures that sound too good to be true. Usually, these gimmicks are just that—gimmicks that do not deliver on their promises.

I look forward to meeting you and planning your surgery so you can face the world looking your absolute best.




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