La Jolla Cosmetic Surgery Centre
9850 Genesee Ave Suite 130
La Jolla, CA 92037
Call: (858) 452-1981 Text: (858) 203-2944
Monday–Friday: 7:30 a.m.–6 p.m.
Little Procedures that Pack a BIG Punch
Virtual Event
Watch this fast-paced virtual event featuring LJC plastic surgeon Johan Brahme, MD.Watch Now
Sometimes what bugs us (you know – the c-section scar that is now a shelf… or the fullness under your chin… or even the extra skin and fat in the eyelids that make you look tired) doesn’t require major surgery to solve.
In this webinar, plastic surgeon Dr. Johan Brahme will cover seven procedures that sometimes fly under the radar but can significantly impact how you look and feel.
So, whether you’ve been thinking about an eyelid lift, a little lipo to your neck, or some feminine rejuvenation, this webinar is for you!
Here’s what he’ll cover:
- Ellacor® micro-coring procedure
- Labiaplasty
- Neck liposuction
- Buccal fat pad removal
- Upper and lower eyelid lift
- Mini tummy tuck and c-section scar repairs
- Axillary liposuction in combo with a breast aug
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