Take Back Your Body: Straight Talk on Mommy Makeovers

Virtual Event

Learn about Mommy Makeovers in this comprehensive session covering breast lifts, tummy tucks, liposuction, and vaginal rejuvenation.

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WATCH: Take Back Your Body: Straight Talk on Mommy Makeovers featuring Diana Breister Ghosh, MD


Our theory on motherhood? It’s not about being perfect. It’s about being perfectly YOU. And this includes your body.

During pregnancy, our bodies go through dramatic changes. So it’s no surprise that post-pregnancy, we might look and feel less like our pre-kid selves. A “mommy makeover” is a catch-all term referring to a group of procedures to help restore our bodies back to where they used to be.

In this webinar, board-certified plastic surgeon (and mother of three) Diana Breister Ghosh, MD will cover mommy makeovers, specifically:

Now that the kids are back to school, it’s a perfect time to put YOU on your To-Do List. Start by watching this event.* 

Event Benefits:

  • SPECIAL PROCEDURE OFFERS valid through 9/30/23

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