Rhinoplasty Talk

Straight Talk About Rhinoplasty with Dr. Brahme

A nose job—or rhinoplasty, which is the more formal name—is one of the most rewarding procedures in cosmetic surgery. If you are a patient visiting this site, I’ll be willing to bet that you have been thinking about how your nose looks for years. Rhinoplasty patients don’t decide to have their noses operated on overnight. It usually takes years for them to get the courage to go ahead and have surgery. Let me take some of the mystery away from rhinoplasty and give you my philosophy on this rewarding surgery.

Time was when everyone who had a nose job ended up with a cute little ski slope of a nose. All rhinoplasties looked pretty much the same. Today we have much more sophisticated techniques and treat the nose in a very different way. We realize, for example, that the nose has many different subunits, each of which can be changed according to your concerns. For example, one patient may have a large bulbous tip that needs reshaping, while another patient may have a perfect tip but a big hooked nose instead. We use state of the art computer imaging to analyze your face, including your chin. This facilitates communication about an individualized plan for your nasal surgery.

My philosophy and goal for you as a rhinoplasty patient is to reshape your nose so that it becomes a harmonious part of your face, rather than your nose being the first thing that someone notices when they meet you, or see your photo. Your nose should fit your face and yet look like you had not had surgery. Take a moment and visit our photo gallery and look at the before and after pictures. I’m quite proud of our results, and I look forward to meeting you and discussing your particular concerns.

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